ak.zip ------ .. py:module: ak.zip Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_zip `__ on `line 20 `__. .. py:function:: ak.zip(arrays, depth_limit=None, *, parameters=None, with_name=None, right_broadcast=False, optiontype_outside_record=False, highlevel=True, behavior=None, attrs=None) :param arrays: Each value in this mapping or sequence can be any array-like data that :py:obj:`ak.to_layout` recognizes. :type arrays: mapping or sequence of arrays :param depth_limit: If None, attempt to fully broadcast the ``array`` to all levels. If an int, limit the number of dimensions that get broadcasted. The minimum value is ``1``, for no broadcasting. :type depth_limit: None or int :param parameters: Parameters for the new :py:obj:`ak.contents.RecordArray` node that is created by this operation. :type parameters: None or dict :param with_name: Assigns a ``"__record__"`` name to the new :py:obj:`ak.contents.RecordArray` node that is created by this operation (overriding ``parameters``, if necessary). :type with_name: None or str :param right_broadcast: If True, follow rules for implicit right-broadcasting, as described in :py:obj:`ak.broadcast_arrays`. :type right_broadcast: bool :param optiontype_outside_record: If True, continue broadcasting past any option types before creating the new :py:obj:`ak.contents.RecordArray` node. :type optiontype_outside_record: bool :param highlevel: If True, return an :py:obj:`ak.Array`; otherwise, return a low-level :py:obj:`ak.contents.Content` subclass. :type highlevel: bool :param behavior: Custom :py:obj:`ak.behavior` for the output array, if high-level. :type behavior: None or dict :param attrs: Custom attributes for the output array, if high-level. :type attrs: None or dict Combines ``arrays`` into a single structure as the fields of a collection of records or the slots of a collection of tuples. If the ``arrays`` have nested structure, they are broadcasted with one another to form the records or tuples as deeply as possible, though this can be limited by ``depth_limit``. This operation may be thought of as the opposite of projection in :py:obj:`ak.Array.__getitem__`, which extracts fields one at a time, or :py:obj:`ak.unzip`, which extracts them all in one call. Consider the following arrays, ``one`` and ``two``. .. code-block:: python >>> one = ak.Array([[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [], [4.4, 5.5], [6.6]]) >>> two = ak.Array([["a", "b", "c"], [], ["d", "e"], ["f"]]) Zipping them together using a dict creates a collection of records with the same nesting structure as ``one`` and ``two``. .. code-block:: python >>> ak.zip({"x": one, "y": two}).show() [[{x: 1.1, y: 'a'}, {x: 2.2, y: 'b'}, {x: 3.3, y: 'c'}], [], [{x: 4.4, y: 'd'}, {x: 5.5, y: 'e'}], [{x: 6.6, y: 'f'}]] Doing so with a list creates tuples, whose fields are not named. .. code-block:: python >>> ak.zip([one, two]).show() [[(1.1, 'a'), (2.2, 'b'), (3.3, 'c')], [], [(4.4, 'd'), (5.5, 'e')], [(6.6, 'f')]] Adding a third array with the same length as ``one`` and ``two`` but less internal structure is okay: it gets broadcasted to match the others. (See :py:obj:`ak.broadcast_arrays` for broadcasting rules.) .. code-block:: python >>> three = ak.Array([100, 200, 300, 400]) >>> ak.zip([one, two, three]).show() [[(1.1, 'a', 100), (2.2, 'b', 100), (3.3, 'c', 100)], [], [(4.4, 'd', 300), (5.5, 'e', 300)], [(6.6, 'f', 400)]] However, if arrays have the same depth but different lengths of nested lists, attempting to zip them together is a broadcasting error. .. code-block:: python >>> one = ak.Array([[[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 5], [6]], [], [[7, 8]]]) >>> two = ak.Array([[[1.1, 2.2], [3.3], [4.4], [5.5]], [], [[6.6]]]) >>> ak.zip([one, two]) ValueError: while calling ak.zip( arrays = [>> ak.zip([one, two], depth_limit=1).show() [([[1, 2, 3], [], [4, ...], [6]], [[1.1, ...], ...]), ([], []), ([[7, 8]], [[6.6]])] As an extreme, ``depth_limit=1`` is a handy way to make a record structure at the outermost level, regardless of whether the fields have matching structure or not. When zipping together arrays with optional values, it can be useful to create the :py:obj:`ak.contents.RecordArray` node after the option types. By default, :py:obj:`ak.zip` does not do this: .. code-block:: python >>> one = ak.Array([1, 2, None]) >>> two = ak.Array([None, 5, 6]) >>> ak.zip([one, two]) If the ``optiontype_outside_record`` option is set to ``True``, Awkward will continue to broadcast the arrays together at the depth_limit until it reaches non-option types. This effectively takes the union of the option mask: .. code-block:: python >>> ak.zip([one, two], optiontype_outside_record=True)