Defined in awkward.contents.recordarray on line 63.
- class ak.contents.RecordArray(self, contents, fields, length=None, *, parameters=None, backend=None)#
RecordArray represents an array of tuples or records, all with the
same type. Its contents
is an ordered list of arrays.
is None, the data are tuples, indexed only by their order.Otherwise,
is an ordered list of names with the same length as thecontents
, associating a field name to every content.
The length of the RecordArray, if not given, is the length of its shortest
content; all are aligned element-by-element. If a RecordArray has zero contents,
it may still represent a non-empty array. In that case, its length is specified
by a length
RecordArrays correspond to Apache Arrow’s struct type.
To illustrate how the constructor arguments are interpreted, the following is a
simplified implementation of __init__
, __len__
, and __getitem__
class RecordArray(Content):
def __init__(self, contents, fields, length):
assert isinstance(contents, list)
assert isinstance(length, int)
for x in contents:
assert isinstance(x, Content)
assert len(x) >= length
assert fields is None or isinstance(fields, list)
if isinstance(fields, list):
assert len(fields) == len(contents)
for x in fields:
assert isinstance(x, str)
self.contents = contents
self.fields = fields
self.length = length
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __getitem__(self, where):
if isinstance(where, int):
if where < 0:
where += len(self)
assert 0 <= where < len(self)
record = [x[where] for x in self.contents]
if self.fields is None:
return tuple(record)
return dict(zip(self.fields, record))
elif isinstance(where, slice) and where.step is None:
if len(self.contents) == 0:
start = min(max(where.start, 0), self.length)
stop = min(max(where.stop, 0), self.length)
if stop < start:
stop = start
return RecordArray([], self.fields, stop - start)
return RecordArray(
[x[where] for x in self.contents],
where.stop - where.start,
elif isinstance(where, str):
if self.fields is None:
i = int(where)
except ValueError:
if i < len(self.contents):
return self.contents[i][0 : len(self)]
i = self.fields.index(where)
except ValueError:
return self.contents[i][0 : len(self)]
raise ValueError("field " + repr(where) + " not found")
raise AssertionError(where)
- ak.contents.RecordArray.copy(self, contents=UNSET, fields=UNSET, length=UNSET, *, parameters=UNSET, backend=UNSET)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.__copy__(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.__deepcopy__(self, memo)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.simplified(cls, contents, fields, length=None, *, parameters=None, backend=None)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.to_tuple(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._form_with_key(self, getkey)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._form_with_key_path(self, path)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_buffers(self, form, getkey, container, backend, byteorder)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_typetracer(self, forget_length)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._touch_data(self, recursive)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._touch_shape(self, recursive)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.length#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.__repr__(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._repr(self, indent, pre, post)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.content(self, index_or_field)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.maybe_content(self, index_or_field)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_nothing(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._is_getitem_at_placeholder(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_at(self, where)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_range(self, start, stop)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_field(self, where, only_fields=())#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_fields(self, where, only_fields=())#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._carry(self, carry, allow_lazy)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_next_jagged(self, slicestarts, slicestops, slicecontent, tail)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._getitem_next(self, head, tail, advanced)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._offsets_and_flattened(self, axis, depth)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._mergeable_next(self, other, mergebool)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._mergemany(self, others)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._fill_none(self, value)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._local_index(self, axis, depth)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._numbers_to_type(self, name, including_unknown)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._is_unique(self, negaxis, starts, parents, outlength)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._unique(self, negaxis, starts, parents, outlength)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._argsort_next(self, negaxis, starts, shifts, parents, outlength, ascending, stable)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._sort_next(self, negaxis, starts, parents, outlength, ascending, stable)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._combinations(self, n, replacement, recordlookup, parameters, axis, depth)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._reduce_next(self, reducer, negaxis, starts, shifts, parents, outlength, mask, keepdims, behavior)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._validity_error(self, path)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._nbytes_part(self)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._pad_none(self, target, axis, depth, clip)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_arrow(self, pyarrow, mask_node, validbytes, length, options)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_cudf(self, cudf, mask, length)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_backend_array(self, allow_missing, backend)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._remove_structure(self, backend, options)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._recursively_apply(self, action, depth, depth_context, lateral_context, options)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray.to_packed(self, recursive=True)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_list(self, behavior, json_conversions)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._to_backend(self, backend)#
- ak.contents.RecordArray._is_equal_to(self, other, index_dtype, numpyarray, all_parameters)#