
.. py:module: ak.is_none

Defined in `awkward.operations.ak_is_none <https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward/blob/28c96fed31d74bd32335f1cb9a1c71a1a7232bc7/src/awkward/operations/ak_is_none.py>`__ on `line 23 <https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward/blob/28c96fed31d74bd32335f1cb9a1c71a1a7232bc7/src/awkward/operations/ak_is_none.py#L23>`__.

.. py:function:: ak.is_none(array, axis=0, *, highlevel=True, behavior=None, attrs=None)

    :param array: Array-like data (anything :py:obj:`ak.to_layout` recognizes).
    :param axis: The dimension at which this operation is applied. The
             outermost dimension is ``0``, followed by ``1``, etc., and negative
             values count backward from the innermost: ``-1`` is the innermost
             dimension, ``-2`` is the next level up, etc.
    :type axis: int
    :param highlevel: If True, return an :py:obj:`ak.Array`; otherwise, return
                  a low-level :py:obj:`ak.contents.Content` subclass.
    :type highlevel: bool
    :param behavior: Custom :py:obj:`ak.behavior` for the output array, if
    :type behavior: None or dict
    :param attrs: Custom attributes for the output array, if
    :type attrs: None or dict

Returns an array whose value is True where an element of ``array`` is None;
False otherwise (at a given ``axis`` depth).